

Our architectural and engineering services include the construction of individual buildings as well as entire industrial, commercial and service facilities. We always keep the individual requirements of our customers clearly in mind.

Double-track Railway Expansion and Electrification Project S21 Eidelstedt – Kaltenkirchen, Germany

The Hamburg S-Bahn network is to be extended to the outskirts. For this purpose the AKN route A1 Eidelstedt to Kaltenkirchen will be equipped with an overhead contact line (15 kV, 16 2/3 Hz). A single track section will be upgraded to two tracks and the train platforms will be converted and extended for the S-Bahn. Further more construction and modifications of bridges and tunnels have been designed. As a General Planner Sellhorn was responsible for the arrangement of the approval documents (Planfeststellung) and the coordination of subcontractors für soil, noise, vibrations and EMV.

Renovation of Riverside Wall of the Patriotic Society, Hamburg, Germany

As part of the renovation work on the building of the Patriotic Society in the inner city of Hamburg, the riverside wall to the Nikolaifleet had to be renovated. For this purpose, the partially torn masonry was dowelled by glued-in reinforcing bars. In order to improve the load bearing capacity, the riverside wall was anchored back into the interior of the building via a monolithic reinforced concrete slab.

Structural Upgrades of Ceilings at the Central Library (Hamburger Bücherhallen) in Hamburg, Germany

The old post office building at the Hamburger Hauptbahnhof (built in 1904) was rented to the Hamburger Bücherhallen (Central librabry) in 2005. The rental space of the bookshelves was examined and struturally investigated for the assessment of the required live loads from the operation of the library. Structurally upgrades had to be carried out on approx. 15 ceilings, where new steel beams have been installed and connected to the existing structures. The conversion of individual ceilings took place during the 48 h closing times at the weekend.

Bascule Bridge Rethe, Port of Hamburg, Germany

The existing bridge over the Rethe (built in 1934) was designed as a combined street and railway bridge. Due to the traffic growth since its erection, it no longer meets the current requirements. For this reason, a new movable bridge for road traffic and railway was built. The new bascule bridge has a span of about 100 m, while road and railway traffic are led over two separate deck slabs to a joint abutment.  Alongside the bridge, new riverside walls had to be constructed to secure the embankment. The channel was dredged and the leading light line had to be adapted to the new situation, making the construction of two leading light towers necessary. South of the bascule bridge, a new road traffic bridge with a span of about 200m was built to cross the rails of the station “Hohe Schaar”.

New Rail Lifting Bridge Kattwyk, Hamburg, Germany

The existing Kattwyk bridge (built in 1974) is designed as a combined road and railway bridge and does not longer satisfy the increased demands on traffic in the port of Hamburg. Therefore, a new construction of a two-track mobile lift bridge is planned north of the old lift bridge. The bridge consists of 3 sections with 2 foreland bridges of around 80 m span and the lifting section with a span of 135 m, which can be raised to NN +53 m when ocean going vessels are passing through. The foundation are abutments designed as reinforced concrete structures with a pile foundation in the embankment area. The steel pylons for the lifting part are set up on rc-caissons (layout 29 m x 14 m) with a foundation depth of 30 m below water level. Between these caissons is a culvert with an inner diameter of 2.0 m and a length of 120 m for the installation of cables for power an data. Next to the bridge construction, the entire junction has to be rebuilt. For this, further bridge structures, the adaptation of flood protection, supporting walls as well as the new construction of a light house for ship navigation with a height of about 30 m are necessary.